Cross country skiiers leave from the Sebago boat launch parking area (off Seven Lakes Drive) in Harriman State Park. Conditions are good for skiing in the park this week.
The snow’s fallen, the secondary roads are closed but the main ones are nicely plowed and open.
While several websites refer to Harriman State Park’s cross-country ski “facilities”, I am not sure that what’s at Harriman qualifies as such. Nearby Fahnestock State Park has “facilities”: ski rental, a warming house, groomed trails, snowshoes.*
Harriman has a sign.
But if you can bring your own skis or snowshoes, and don’t mind breaking trail for yourself, you can have the woods and its shelters practically all to yourself — and that’s all the facilities you really need.
You’ve also got the now-closed and terrifically-unplowed Lake Welch Drive.

I sailed right past this fella. Every year the deer seem to get more and more friendly and fearless.
The Drive is closed from Exit 16 on the Palisades Parkway to St. John’s Road, in the Lake Welch area. But you can approach it via Seven Lakes Drive in Sloatsburg. Take that right-hand turn onto the open portion of Lake Welch Drive, and go as far as you can before the gate stops you, at St. John’s Road. Turn right onto St. John’s Road and drive to the end, and then turn left. You’ll see the entrance for Lake Welch immediately on the right. Drive past the two closed parking areas, and park at the lot at the far northern end of the lake. Note the time of closing for this lot, and heed it, so you’re not stuck in your car past closing time, with no way out!

I’m not sure if this sign elevates Harriman State Park to a park with cross-country ski “facilities”, but here it is. It marks the start of a faint trail from Sebago boat launch parking, on Seven Lakes Drive.
From the parking area, you can hop on the Lake Welch Drive and ski either north toward the parkway or south toward St. John’s Road. Or you can ski along the lake, through the hushed Beaver Pond campground or the old cemetery and bathhouses, enjoying a Lake Welch that is the complete opposite of the much-loved and visited lakeshore of summertime.
You won’t get the nice snowy overhangs of a shuush in a hemlock forest, but then again, you won’t be turning your ankle on a pile of rock. It’s smooth sailing from St. John’s Road to, well, as far along the road as you want to go before turning back.
Note: We have had some interesting emails from you guys about cross-country ski trails in Harriman State Park. We’ll try to bring you some suggestions for great back-country routes in the park in January!
*wouldn’t it be great if the State would put as much effort into the Harriman Park website as this page for the Fahnestock winter park?
Thank you for this encouragement to explore XC skiing options at Harriman. I never found that red sign but I managed to ski around the perimeter of the lake, which was really nice.
Cool! The sign is a somewhere between the lake and the road, just as you reach the parking lot. To the right as you drive in. The trail is very narrow. Thanks!
I go there all the time . Sign is 1/2 way in main parking lot on right hand side.From there it’s like 1/8 mile to cross 7 lakes road or easer rt to follow side of road to bear swamp fire road . Cross road and takes u to bear swamp rd further up and is much harder trail ? Once on bear swamp road you have so many options available. Great place except for major quad tracks that rune the x-country tracks and they do a lot of riding in there at night ! Can believe rangers are not able to keep them out of there . Outher wise love the place ! Very quiet !
Does the park rent cross country skis, boots, poles?