The Empire Passport is prepaid admission for 179 state parks, 55 Department of Environmental Conservation forest preserve areas, boat launch sites, arboretums and park preserves — including Harriman State Park.
An Empire Passport is prepaid admission to most of New York State parks — including Harriman State Park — for just $65.00 a year.
Is it worth it? Admission to Harriman State Park is free, unless you’re going to the beaches, where you’ll pay $8.00. So — think about it — you’ll have to go to the parks nine times a year to save money, and that’s like going to the beach every Saturday in July and August.
On the other hand: if you use the parks a lot, or if you need incentive to spend more time outdoors, this may be worth the price.
You can also mark your calendar for a “Cyber Monday” deal at the end of November, when NYSParks discounts the passports (online only) by $25.00. You can purchase up to three passes at the reduced price.
The passport arrives in sticker form; affix it to the window of your car. Here’s where to get one:
- At all Harriman and New York State park offices, found at Lake Welch and Tiorati. You can use your credit card, cash, check or money order. They’re also available at the park visitor center, but you can’t use a credit card — check or cash only.
- You can order online, here.
- You can phone it in with a credit card. NYS Parks regional office, (518) 474-0458
- Snail mail: Complete and mail an application with check or money order payable to “NYS Parks” to your nearest state park or State Park regional office or to:
Empire Passport
New York State Parks
Albany, NY 12238
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