About MyHarriman.com
There’s a shortage of online information about Harriman, even from the state-run website. I started MyHarriman.com as a means to answer every question about the park I could think of, every question that might possibly arise from people new (or even not-so-new) to New York State’s second-largest park.
If you have a question that’s not covered on this site, please send me an email at suzy@myharriman.com. If I don’t know the answer, I’ll do everything I can to get it for you, including going to the park to see for myself.
As much as possible, I rely on my own fact-finding, the advice of others, and books and documents to inform this site. Primary sources and my own two eyes and ears.
The hiking trails are amply, expertly, famously and beautifully covered by the excellent New York New Jersey Trail Conference, and by their waterproof maps and the apps for Iphone. You can’t walk these woods without encountering hikers who have the NYNJTC maps in hand.
But there is more to Harriman than fantastic hiking trails. Harriman offers swimming, boating, camping, skiing, snowmobiling, fishing, cycling, mountain biking, bird watching, picnicking, kayaking — all activities that are easily and inexpensively enjoyed, but for which information on the park website is practically nonexistent.
About Me

My dogs, Charlie and Wolf, and me (bad hair day!) at a stone lean-to in Ward Pound Ridge Reservation. We are on the trails nearly every day, in Harriman Park or somewhere else.
My name is Suzy Allman; I’m a professional New York sports photographer, as well as the founder of CharlieDog and Friends, a plush toy company that was built to assist homeless pets. I try to get my dogs out on the trails every day, but they’re getting on in years and probably don’t have much left in the tank.
Naturally enough, I love Harriman park, love what it’s meant to me and my two backcountry-loving, hiking shepherds. While I am in Harriman almost every day, I am by no means an expert — just someone who believes that the best thing you can do for Harriman State Park is to visit it. And that’s the purpose of this site.
I welcome any written articles for this site, and will include a short bio and links to your online information or website. Send me a note at suzy@suzyallman.com
*If you visit the New York State-run site for Harriman, you’ll find out how long your dog’s leash should be, and a map for where firewood may be gathered. And then you’ll be strongly encouraged to contact the park for any additional information you might need.