Here’s an easy overnight trip that starts along the Hudson River, ends with a beer at Bear Mountain Inn, and puts you in one of the prettiest viewsheds in the Hudson Valley. In 2016, I’m challenging myself to spend at least one night a month sleeping out...
Leave Your Bear Anecdote in the Comment Section. Black bears are frequently seen in Harriman State Park, and in 2014, more sightings were occurring near the lean-to shelters. A 2013 study reported that there are at least 15 black bears living in the park.* If...
When You Have the Place to Yourself There couldn’t be a more perfect morning than the one I woke to on a recent Wednesday in early September. The temperature not quite sweatshirt-ready, it dawned crisp and cloudless at 6:30 am on Lake Sebago in Harriman. ...
At the end of the subway line in Yonkers, you can rent a car for $44.00 a day. Take your group to a quieter trailhead in Harriman, and save. Let’s say you and four friends are heading to Harriman State Park’s trails from New York City. You’d like...
The Easily-traveled Victory Trail. Writing about Lake Sebago’s “lost” beach last week made me want to go back. I’d almost forgotten the Sebago trails in Harriman, what a pleasant hike the Victory Trail offers, how peaceful that shore is once...
A lean-to adventure in the middle of a Harriman winter is where we separate the men from the boys. Make sure you’re prepared by doing a winter test-run at a more accessible lean-to at Ward Pound Ridge Reservation, in Westchester County. Not everyone’s...