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The Penthouse of the Park, No Car Needed.

The Penthouse of the Park, No Car Needed.

Here’s an easy overnight trip that starts along the Hudson River, ends with a beer at Bear Mountain Inn, and puts you in one of the prettiest viewsheds in the Hudson Valley. In 2016, I’m challenging myself to spend at least one night a month sleeping out...
Have you Seen Bears in Harriman State Park?

Have you Seen Bears in Harriman State Park?

Leave Your Bear Anecdote in the Comment Section. Black bears are frequently seen in Harriman State Park, and in 2014, more sightings were occurring near the lean-to shelters.  A 2013 study reported that there are at least 15 black bears living in the park.* If...
Baker Camp Solitude, Not Quite Fall

Baker Camp Solitude, Not Quite Fall

When You Have the Place to Yourself There couldn’t be a more perfect morning than the one I woke to on a recent Wednesday in early September.   The temperature not quite sweatshirt-ready, it dawned crisp and cloudless at 6:30 am on Lake Sebago in Harriman. ...
Getting to Harriman’s Trails: Rent Your Lift

Getting to Harriman’s Trails: Rent Your Lift

At the end of the subway line in Yonkers, you can rent a car for $44.00 a day.  Take your group to a quieter trailhead in Harriman, and save.   Let’s say you and four friends are heading to Harriman State Park’s trails from New York City.  You’d like...
The Sebago Trails

The Sebago Trails

The Easily-traveled Victory Trail. Writing about Lake Sebago’s “lost” beach last week made me want to go back.  I’d almost forgotten the Sebago trails in Harriman, what a pleasant hike the Victory Trail offers, how peaceful that shore is once...
Winter Lean-To Adventure | Test Your Mettle the Easy Way

Winter Lean-To Adventure | Test Your Mettle the Easy Way

A lean-to adventure in the middle of a Harriman winter is where we separate the men from the boys.  Make sure you’re prepared by doing a winter test-run at a more accessible lean-to at Ward Pound Ridge Reservation, in Westchester County. Not everyone’s...