The Palisades Parkway Visitor Center is located on a traffic island in the middle of the parkway, between exits 16 and 17. Maps, snacks, souvenirs, photography, and helpful advice for hiking in Harriman State Park. ©www.myharriman.com
Address: Palisades Interstate Parkway
(on the center island between exits 16 and 17)
Bear Mountain NY 10911
Phone: 845-786-5003
The only bookstore in the area located on an island in the middle of a parkway!
Officially the Palisades Interstate Parkway Commission Visitor Center, what I prefer to call “The Book Store” is located between Exits 16 and 17 on the center island of the Palisades Interstate Parkway.
The Palisades Parkway Visitor Center sells trail and road maps (including the complete set of hiking trail maps and bike trails from the New York-New Jersey Trail Conference); travel guides, nature books, plush animals, posters, snacks, coffee, NY state fishing licenses, Empire Passports, and more!
The Visitor Center is open every day from 8am-6pm, from the second Sunday in March to the first Saturday in November. From November to mid-March, it’s open from 8am-5pm. It’s closed Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s days. Call ahead (845-786-5003) during snowy days to make sure it’s open; they are occasionally closed on snow days.