Yes, You Can Park in Harriman, Legally, Overnight, and Roadside (but you have to know where).
With trailheads scattered all over the enormity of Harriman, you need to know where it’s legal to park your car.
So how do you know where roadside parking is legal and allowed, if there are no signs in most of the roadside parking areas?
You have to look at the maps.
The Trail Conference maps show designated roadside parking areas, as well as lots. And as long as you’re parked in a hikers’ parking area, you don’t have to call park police to notify them that you plan to leave your car overnight.
Again: you can park your car in a roadside spot, as long as it’s one of the officially-designated spots, shown on the Trail Conference map, or on our trail and parking area PDF map. (These lot locations are correct as of November 2013, but are subject to change.)