Snowmobiling is open in the Lake Welch area of Harriman State Park. You’ll need at least six inches of snow, and a snowmobile.
Snowmobiling in Harriman: What You Need to Know
The good news for snowmobilers near Harriman State Park is that snowmobiling is open for the 2014 winter season, with a groomed course that is 8.5 miles long.
The trail, with two-way traffic, is basically Lake Welch Drive, which is closed to automobiles in winter, but open to snowmobiles when the snow flies. You’ll get on the trail from Parking Area #3 at Lake Welch, and exit the lot at the northeast corner of the lot. Turn right onto Lake Welch Drive going east. You’ll take the road to Tiorati Brook Road, make a left around the hairpin, and then double back on Lake Welch Drive going west. When you’ve gone as far as you can go before the barricade near St. John’s, make a U-turn and return to Lake Welch.
Snowmobiling is permitted under the following conditions:
- There must be at least six (6″) inches of snow on the ground for snowmobiling to take place;
- Snowmobiling is only permitted in the Lake Welch area of Harriman State Park;
- The trail is basically the section of Lake Welch Drive that is closed to traffic in the winter months;
- Cross-country skiiers and snowshoers may NOT use Lake Welch Drive for skiing and snowshoeing when there is 6 inches of snow on the ground, because that’s when snowmobilers take over;
- There is no fee;
- You may bring your machine to the far parking lot at Lake Welch after signing in at the gate (just past Lake Welch on Route 106), and then you’ll unload it near Gate 3 after you park.
- If you have questions, you can call the Lake Welch park office at (845) 947-2444.
- There is no rental of equipment at the park.
- Keep right at all times on the trail.
- Have an emergency? Call the park police at (845)-786-2781, or the LakeWelch Office at (845) 947-2444.